Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Kastuba plant benefits

Kastuba comes from Mexico. Generally, the plant is grown as an ornamental plant in perkarangan and in parks. Kastuba can be found at 1-1400 m above sea level, but to get the bright leaf color is more suitable if planted at an altitude of 600 m above sea level.
Upright shrub with a height of 1.5 to 4 m has a woody stem, branching, and gummy like milk. Single leaves, stemmed, leaf stalks a young red and green after the elderly, the location of its spread. Leaf blade oval to elongated ellipses, which generally has large 2-4 grooves, tapered tip and base, pinnate pertulang, length 7-15 cm, a width of 2.5 to 6 cm, and saucer in a typical arrangement cyathium called, out of the end of the shaft. Each cyathium dealing with protective leaves are large, oblong shape, red or yellow color. Its high Cyathium 1 cm, green with red Taju and a large glands, on the side of his abdomen yellow orange color. The fruit is fruit box, a length of 1.5 cm, green when young and brown after dark. Round and brown seeds.
Red tree has a multitude of varieties from Europe is the result of breeding. The result, plants become shorter, wider leaves, with leaf color varying protective, such as red, pink, or white. This plant is a favorite house plant during the Christmas flower Because its leaves are colored lights.
The nature and efficacy seemed bitter, Sepat, its cool nature, toxic.Efficacious as a stimulant vomiting, normalize the menstrual cycle, stop the bleeding (hemostatis), accelerate the healing of broken bones, relieve swelling, and launched out of its mother's milk (galaktagog).
Chemical IngredientsThe leaves contain alkaloids, saponins, fatty, amylodextrin. Rods contain saponin, sulfur, fats, amylodextrin, formic acid, and starch.

Part UsedParts of plants that can be used as a medicine it is the whole plant. For storage, do the drying.
IndicationKastuba used for the treatment of:* Arrival of irregular menstruation,* A lot of menstrual blood (menorrhagia),* Dysentery, pulmonary tuberculosis,* A little breast milk,* Broken bones (fractures), and* Swollen bump (bruise).
How to UseFor drugs taken, using 10-15 g of material in the stew.For external use only, minced fresh leaves to taste until smooth, then Turapkan gets sick, such as dermatitis, erysipelas, wound bleeding, swollen bump (bruises), and swelling due to bone fractures.

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