Thursday, August 25, 2011

All About Flowers Lavender

Kingdom: PlantaeOrder: LamialesFamily: LamiaceaeGenus: Lavandula L. 

Lavender is a flowering plant genus in the tribe which has 25-30 species of Lamiaceae. Plant origin is from the southern Mediterranean to tropical Africa and eastwards to India. This genus includes plants for years, plants of this type of grass, short shrubs, and small shrubs. This plant also spreads in the Canary Islands, North and East Africa, southern Europe (particularly southern France), Arabia and India. Because it has grown and developed in the parks around the world, this plant is often found growing wild in areas outside the region of origin. 

Lavandula afficinalis syn. L agustifolia (Lamiaceae) or better known as the lavender flowers, these flowers have started to frequent often found in all body care products and air freshener. Grows at an altitude of 600-1350 meters above sea level, where the higher the growth, the better the resulting oil.

Flowers of this plant are small, purple, lavender propagation is usually done by grain. That old seed sown, and when they are grown, moved in polybags. When the plant reaches a height setimeter 15-20, can be transferred into pots or planted in the terrace house.


 The main composition of lavender oil are linalool acetate which can loosen and relax the system work nerves and muscles are tense. Because this is the connection properties of lavender is widely used as an ingredient repellents, perfumes, ointments, potions for the bath and drugs. Lavender has several benefits, one could make the effects of back and relax when we inhale. 

In addition, lavender is usually used for bathing. Lavender herb mixed with warm water, as lavender can also nourish your skin. Part of people, have been processed into herbal tea with lavender lavender flavor that can also cure back pain, muscle aches and headaches. Lavender can also reduce inflammation of sore throat, allergic reactions and cure bloating. 

We can also feel the benefits of lavender, when you sleep. With the scent of lavender, will make you sleep more soundly, because of the calming effects of lavender scent. Smell the scent of lavender oil before bed. Or you can memercikan a little lavender oil to your pillow for maximum results. The thing to note is that lavender oil should not be applied to the skin without first diluted with water.

Lavender is famous for its aroma and the benefits that can be used as a perfume. And the same character traits also exist in roses, fatherly find out the similarities of both these plants, please click on previous articles. In the previous article on this blog has also been described on the lavender flowers in general.

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