Saturday, August 20, 2011

Cultivation of Succulent Plants

The name comes from the Latin succulent, succos, which means the juice. Cactus and aloe vera are included in succulent plants. As the name implies, this plant is able to store food or water in his body as a backup. 
Food is stored in the root (eg Ceropegia), stem (in most cactus), or leaves (the plant Haworthia, Lithops). Generally, succulent live in a very dry and rarely rains. With its ability to bind water so succulent plants can live a long time even though no rain.
Succulent plants consist of about 60 families and 300 generations. For example, Senecio rowieyanus, Aloe hybrid, Pachyphytum compactum crested, or Euphorbia trigona.There is such a wide range of trees, piles, or small round object. Plants that contain lots of water, spread on the continent of Africa, America, and parts of Asia.  
In addition to growing in the open, succulent grows well under trees, tree trunks as epiphytes. Grow even hidden under the dried leaves, shrubs less sunlight.  Some type of succulent, collectible as Haworthia, Aloe, or gasteria. Types of flowering succulent beautiful as Adenium, Euphorbia milii, and Plumeria. Types such as Echeveria succulent, sedum or Crasulla can be propagated by planting leaves. Choose leaves that are quite old and quotes.

Watering plants can be done 3-7 days depending on long or fast growing media to dry. In the lowlands the heat could be three days, but in locations much rain or plateau done once a week. Watering is done early morning or late afternoon when the sun is not too hot.

How to succulent breeding can be done by way of generative and vegetative. Generative breeding, succulent seeds sown in a mixture of coarse sand which had been washed clean and smooth or cocopit little humus. Cover with a thin layer of medium, spray with water to wet and cover with plastic or glass.While vegetative through the saplings, stem cuttings, leaves, or grafting. But depending on the type, for example Haworthia, gasteria, or agave propagated through seedlings and shoots.

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