Thursday, August 18, 2011

Structure and Plant Cultivation Method Zamioculcas

These plants have a structure that has only the stems and leaves curcas owner should be able to perform light manipulation. The goal is to avoid the undesirable plants. Plants will naturally direct the leaves into the light most. There are culcas that position only lead to one light source will automatically direct the stem and leaves towards the light. As a result of growth does not rouset and will certainly reduce the aesthetic. Therefore, if placed on the terrace, better rolling for 2 to 3 times in one week. The goal is to provide a flat light on the whole plant and also avoid bending towards certain crops due to lack of light. 

Having a Clevis 
Many lovers of ornamental plants are deliberately seeking to get the hump zamio especially for this type of culcas. Indeed there are some collectors who have a have a hump but culcas should for better use of seed multiplication. Because the seeds of growth will be more perfect then the sequence starts growing from the bottom of the root. 

In contrast to the usual model of cuttings taken where the stem has been formed just waiting out. From root root growth of seeds will be formed first then the next new tubers and stems followed by leaves. From there out bulbs will form tubers that will be more noticeable when the plant out / growing media in lower. Difficulty is culcas seeds have a very long cycle like any other fern family. From a long time trouble have hump the trader is certainly better reproduce culcas by cuttings. 

Step-by-step multiplication zamioculcas 
Propagation zamioculcas is very easy and can be done by anyone because the plants that can be taken through the leaves. It also can be taken from pieces of stem. 

When zamioculcas adult and you want to perform propagation quite cut the old leaves. Furthermore, the leaf is directly included in the planting medium. For propagation through the stem can be cut directly on the shaft. Then the pieces were planted directly in the planting medium. Mixed media used is quite varied. 

Try to mix poor sand smooth with sterile humus and goat manure in the ratio 2:1:1. Keep the humidity cuttings and avoid direct sunlight during routine growing. Maintenance for this plant is not spoiled because need shower at least twice in one day in a hot location and once daily in the air that cool. 

Seeing the characters and the easy way propagation of this plant, it is possible to choose this plant as a collection or even for business. In the previous article has described the introduction and requirements on these plants grow.

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