Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Propagation Methods Anthurium Flowers

Anthurium plants can grow in any kind of planting medium. But it gets even better when using the earnings porous media, a mixture of ferns, roasted husks, chaff usual, and can be added sand. If the roots can grow well, the plant will also be good. Growing media and containers (pots) must be good air circulation. To avoid fungus that often attacks the anthurium, planting medium is immersed in a solution of anti-fungal (fungicide), before use. Replacement of the media do when the pot was not able to accommodate root growth. How, plants transferred to larger pots as a medium, then add media to the brim. 
Anthurium can be propagated in 2 ways, namely generative (seeds) and vegetative (cuttings). 

1. Propagation by generative (seeds)

Anthurium plants have two kinds of flowers are male flowers and female flowers. Characterized by the presence of male flowers stamens, while the female flower is characterized by the presence of mucus. Seeds obtained by crossing male flowers and female flowers.

By using the wiggler, flower juice is taken and applied to the flat in the mucus in the female flowers. About 2 months later, the flowers produced ripe, in which there are many seeds anthurium. Seeds are peeled, washed thoroughly and aerated, and then sown in the soil medium fine. Placed on the seedbed moist conditions and are always watered.

2. Propagation by vegetative means (cuttings)

There are two ways through vegetative propagation, stem cuttings and cuttings of buds. Way of propagation by stem cuttings is cut off the top of the plant (stem) to include 1-3 roots, the top of the plant 'that has been cut and then planted, grown on a medium that has been prepared. Instead propagation by buds is to take one eye on the branch, and then plant buds grown on medium which has been prepared. 


This beautiful leaved plants do not like full sun. Optimal growth will take place in a relatively shady. To adjust the light intensity can use 65% net duplicate. The device was! Refugees to protect plants from direct sun. Anthurium can also be placed on the porch that is not exposed to direct sunlight. It is recommended routinely rotate crops so that balanced growth on each side.

Fertilizing and watering


Actually, the influence of fertilization in anthurium plants are not too significant. However, fertilization remains to be done in order to get enough supply of nutrients anthurium. Rations of fertilizer given once every 3 months. After that fertilizer can be given concurrently when watering. The frequency can be every week or every month with a low dose. Watering depending on the season. When the dry season, watering every other day. While in the rainy season, do not need watering if anthurium have been exposed to rain


Based on its usefulness, growing medium is divided into two kinds, namely the growing medium for seeding and for mature plants. Growing medium consists of a mixture of humus, manure and sand. Forest soils and humus or manure that had already been sifted by the sieve size in a centimeter, whereas in the sifted sand times the size of the sieve 3 millimeters. Soil containing nutrients, manure and sand times that have been sifted, mixed with a ratio of 5: 5: 2. For seeding, growing medium should be sterilized by steaming for one hour.


To plant a flower anthurium, can be used potting soil, plastic pots or pots. Pot is best potting soil because it has many pores that can absorb air from the outside pot. When used pots that were new, pot should be soaked in water for 10 minutes. The bottom of the pots were broken tiles / pots are curved, then on it was given a red stone fraction as thick as 1 / 4 high pot. Medium to grow a mixture of humus, manure and sand entered the pot


After planting, the plants maintained by watering 1-2 times a day. Old leaves or damaged by pests and diseases, crop is cut to look clean and attractive. This plant should be kept in the shade because plants can not stand direct sunlight. To know more clearly about the character of this interest, in the previous article has been provided.

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