Thursday, May 26, 2011

Lily (Lilium Candidum L)

This lovely flower is known since ancient Greece. The name of Lily or Lilium is the Latin form comes from the Greek word, Leirion. The spread of lily flowers cover an area covering Europe and Northern Mediterranean regions, passing kesebagian of Asia toward Japan, India, and southern Philippines. And while this has spread to southern Canada through the United States.
There are some plants which are also referred to as the lily, but is actually much different form or type of lily true.
Lily flowers are flowering plants that grow from tubers. There are about 100 types of lily flowers. Light-colored and has a distinctive fragrance that makes this flower is often grown as ornamental plants or cut flowers. But besides admired for its beautiful flower shape, there are several types of lily are sometimes planted and harvested tubers are only to be taken.
Usually lily grow to adapt to their habitat, such as wooded areas, mountains, or sometimes even the grass. Even a few can survive in marshland and have roots like the famous floating in southeast Asia (Lilium Arboricola). But in general these plants can grow well in loose soil.
Lily flower is a kind of lush flowers. For its own interest, interest is composed of six petals are fairly large, usually fragrant and have a variety of colors ranging from white, yellow, orange, pink, red and purple. There are also speckled and striped soft.
Treatment For maintenance, the lily flower in great need enough water to prevent drought. And remember, do not place the lily plant in a place exposed to direct sunlight. The roots of this plant is usually quite a lot and hanging out so you may need to replace the media using the earnings when the roots of lily plant has set the ball up to the walls of the pot. To change this should be done at the beginning of the rainy season where it was then that lily plant in a state of active growth. 

Type Lily
According to its own, in general there are 3 forms of lily,
     * Bowl shaped: flower petal widens out and the flowers are very large
     * Trumpet shaped: menbentuk flower petal tube and the curved end of the flute.
     * Turk's Cap-shaped: petals of flowers rolled out (highly curved).
According to species, in general there are 4 types of lily,
     * Lilium Regale, sometimes known as the Regal Lily or Lilium Trumpet Regale. It has a trumpet-shaped flowers are white with yellow base and a fragrant scent.
     * Lilium Henryi, a species from China, orange. Shaped well-knit and usually bloom a lot.
     * Lilium Candidum, comes from the hands of the East. Very fragrant and very popular.
     * Lilium Lancifolium, Turk's Cap-shaped, orange with dark spots.

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