Saturday, June 25, 2011

Various kinds of Adenium plant (1)

Adenium is a genus within the family Apocynaceae. So, still a family with Plumeria Adenium, Nerium, Pachypodium or Allamanda From the literature, it is known that there are several ways Adenium classification. There is regarded as a kind of species, some consider it a subspecies (varieties). According to the definition of species, they can not mate and produce offspring with other species, that can be extremely difficult. This is what happens with various species of Adenium ie, they are very difficult to be able to produce offspring of crosses between species. The types include: a. Adenium obesum b. Adenium multiflorum c. Adenium oleifolium d. Adenium somalense e. Adenium swazicum f. Adenium boehmianum g. Adenium Arabicum h. Adenium Socotranum

Adenium obesum Discovered in the regions of Africa, south of the Sahara from Senegal to the Sudan and Kenya. Its normal color flowers are pink to red. Because planted from seed, it appears that new varieties are very diverse forms of appearance, the shape of flowers, or leaf shape. By various nursery in Thailand and Taiwan, new varieties were selected and developed intensively. Variety selection is named each and more developed as the upper stem for grafting, while the rootstock obtained from the seeds of the color pink because it is most easily developed his seed. Not having a clear period of dormancy, so the growth is fast enough. In general, if it is a sterile self-pollinating, so often do not occur when plants pollinate all alone.

Adenium multiflorum Found in southern Africa on the east side, such as Mozambique and eastern South Africa. Grow tall and branching with a wide leaf. Cob is not enlarged, but has an enlarged stems and roots. Having a dormant period which is long enough (more than 4 months), during this time that this type of flowering (2-4 months) with no leaf. Many Adenium hybrids that had a little "blood" because of his interest multiflorum are indeed very beautiful. The flowers are white with red trim at the edges. However, the offspring often lazy and flowering stems are too long so that the intensive ongoing election. 

Adenium oleifolium Found in the Kalahari desert that is the border between Namibia, Botswana and South Africa. The leaves are narrow, long and almost parallel on both sides with glossy colors. Flowers were small but large enough seed. Quite easy to grow, unfortunately the growth is very slow.

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