Thursday, May 26, 2011

Ground Ivy

Ground ivy is native to Europe and Southwest Asia, but has now been developed in North America. This plant can be eaten at the same time can function as a drug. Ground Ivy has a feminine and masculine in German namely Gundelrebe and Gundermann (in English known as the Gill-Over-The-Ground, plant vines in the ground, or ground ivy, ivy is creeping). Botanical name is Glechoma hederacea. 

The most effective healing properties of this plant is when the plant is in flowering stage. He has the essential oils or essential oils and other elements, including potassium and potassium nitrate, a substance effective to treat mucous membrane, especially of the esophagus, nose, and respiratory tract. These plants also contain large amounts of vitamin C, which makes it essential medicines to combat mental fatigue and increases energy.

St. Hildegarde of Bingen (female teacher), the leader of the monastery, mystic, author, musician, counselor, cosmologists, artist, healer, writer, linguist, natural scientist, philosopher, poet, political consultant, and arranger of Germany using this plant to treat the symptoms of ear disease. For such diseases, it is recommended to take oil from plants that are flowering and use its oil as ear drops.

He said, "I think the fresh plant is useful all year, even when she is not flowering. In the early symptoms of fever, I pull out five pieces of fresh leaves and chewed it for a few hours. If I'm lucky, my immune system will be ready to face bacteria and viruses, and the next day I was free of symptoms of fever. "

He added, "I can even treat a stray cat that I found on the path to my door. The cat was ill and unable to swallow food, but it was surprising, the cat ate without hesitation that I chopped leaves mixed with canned food for cats . After having three doses of ground ivy, cat recovered.

All of our Mediterranean dishes typical of many benefit from this plant. However, when boiled as a tea, she will smell like a sheep pen. That's why I prefer to eat them as fresh or cooked vegetables with a spicy and delicious seasoning. "

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