Monday, May 30, 2011

Cultivation aspects of the Roses

Seeds. Rose seedlings can be propagated by stem cuttings, grafts, and the most popular is the grafting. Stem cuttings are used for rootstock and usually used as rootstock roses fence, because this species is quite strong, fast growing, resistant to pests and diseases easily propagated by cuttings.
Seedlings are shipped usually a result of grafting plants that have been outstanding for three months and a half year-old seedlings. When using the three-month-old seedlings of new plants obtained results after 6 months of planting. These seeds are imported form other than seeds scraped without media (stump), also can be a seed with artificial media, such roockwool. Half-year-old seedlings usually a stump, the seedlings without roots and no leaves. These seedlings can already be retrieved results after four months of planting by providing new branches about two-three main branches.

Land preparation and planting.
Sand, manure and garden soil are needed for the planting medium with a ratio of 1:2:1. Manure is given at the beginning of planting. Provision of super phosphate fertilizer base as much as 0:25 kg/m2 given 1-2 weeks before planting. If soil is too acidic you can add agricultural lime and as much as 2.5 kg/10 m2 when the soil is too alkaline can be added sulfur ¼ kg/10 m2. Manure is given as much as 75 tons / ha. Additional fertilizer NPK 50 kg / ha / bl. Provision of micro elements Fe, Mg and S can be given through the spray once a month.
Preparation begins with making the planting holes about 15 cm in diameter with a depth of 30 cm. Spacing depends on variety. Spacing Hybrid tea and floribunda type 100 cm x 60 cm, while the type Polyantha 40 cm x 60 cm. Some new varieties of cut rose flowers are planted with a distance of 31 cm x 31 cm or 38 cm, or 20 cm x 40 cm depending on the type of roses that are planted.
Installation of the protective form of shading net 50% done to avoid the high transpiration of young shoots. This protector can be opened after a four-week-old plants. For climbing plants can be made a pillar of the pergola.
Before planting, seeds are sterilized first in a fungicide solution, such as Benlate (0.5 g / l) during the one-two minutes. Planting is done by placing seeds in the center of the hole and cultivated for its roots spread in all directions and nothing is broken or bent. Once planting is completed in the form of sprinkler irrigation or drip can be installed and newly planted seedlings are watered until quite wet. 

Maintenance Roses
Establishment of Young Plants. Formation of roses is done by cutting / pinching. This is intended to maintain the plant in order to stay young, so it always produces new shoots productive flowering. From the new shoots which emerged five weeks after planting will appear small and interest will be cut. Soft pinch performed on young shoots, aiming to maximize vegetative growth. Will a new shaft with a reddish color will grow out of the branches of seedlings or shoots from the first branch. These shoots allowed to grow long into adulthood and after going to the flower color will be immediately removed (pinching performed on the old shoots is known as a hard pinch).
Brending is done when the seedlings are old branch. Place stems should
brending about 5-10 cm from the base of the stem. To help brending for not re-erect shoots the shoots can be attached with a piece of bamboo that is attached to the parts of the ground. From this brending shoots sometimes grow a small bud of the bud of new and small when it came out of interest then this interest should be discarded and leaves cut as many as two true leaves (five leaves) for plants have many leaves.
New shoots which is a production of shoots that will emerge after several weeks of doing. At harvest, shoots are cut by leaving a 3-4T true leaf. Of the shoots that have been harvested after approximately 10 days will generally appear two or three new buds and will bloom after about 6-7 weeks. From this production shoots subsequently harvested by leaving two true leaves.

Trimming. The purpose of pruning to maintain shape of the plant to obtain a solid rod, encourage flowering, rejuvenation of plants, produce new shoots that high productivity, and maintain the plant to remain healthy and live longer.

Pruning is done is a light pruning (30%) with a little trim tops of the rose bush, so as to produce many flowers but small. Trimming medium (50%) done by trimming the branches or shoots, but not too long. Usually done on the types of floribunda and Polyantha. While heavy pruning done in an old trunk and plants that have been severely affected by diseases carried by pruning all branches to a height of 60 cm or leave the two-three eyes of each stem.
The best pruning time is shortly after the rainy season ends, because at that time generally fertile plants in the state with the formation of irregular branches and twigs. Prune once a year.

Fertilization. Provision of fertilizer for roses hanging from analysis of soil to be planted, so that every garden / growers have rules different fertilization. Plant roses need to be nurtured as much as 5 grams of NPK per plant at the age of one-two weeks after planting. Fertilization can then be given once a month depending on plant growth.


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