Thursday, September 1, 2011

How to Decide What Flowers To Send

Sending flowers is a wonderful way to letsomeone far away know that you are thinking about them on a special day - orany day for that matter. In theory, sending flowers should be a quick and easyprocess. For anyone that has sent flowers though you know that it can be adaunting task when you really want to send the perfect flower arrangement.
First, think about what the occasion is. Forwhat reason are you sending the flowers? If you are sending flowers for aspecific occasion then try and take inspiration from the event itself. Is it awedding? If so, what flowers is the bride using for the ceremony or reception?What colors is she using? Those can both be great starting points. The sameidea works for an anniversary as well if you were at the wedding ceremony. Whatcolors did they use for the wedding? If the occasion is a holiday then takeinspiration from the colors generally associated with the holiday. Forinstance, for Easter, send flowers with pale colors that remind you of Eastereggs. For the Fourth of July, send a red, white and blue arrangement.
You can also choose to focus on the recipientof the flowers when deciding what flowers to use in your arrangement. What isher favorite flower? If you do not know that then what is her favorite color?What kind of perfume does she prefer? Does she like sweet smells or strongersmells? What colors has she chosen to use in her house? Warm tones or cooltones? Lots of color or neutrals? What colors does she normally choose to wearwhen she goes out? Bright colors or pastels? You may think that you do not knowthat much about the person you are sending the flowers to, but with just alittle though you will find that you know more than you think you do. Clues toa person's likes and dislikes can be found everywhere from their wardrobe totheir home to the color of the car they drive.
Once you have decided on a starting point - acolor or type of flower - then you can build your flower bouquet from there. Ifyou are truly feeling inspired you can decide all the elements of thearrangement yourself. You can decide what type of flowers and how many of eachas well as what greenery to add. If making all the decision yourself is alittle intimidating to you, then talk to your flower consultant when you placethe order. Tell them what flower or color you have decided to start with andask them to make suggestions for what other flowers or greenery to add to thearrangement. In the end you will have a beautiful flower bouquet that has beenarranged with that special someone in mind.
Speak to a flower consultant to further helpyou arrange the perfect flower bouquet to send a friend or loved one.

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