Thursday, September 1, 2011

Cultivation of Salak Plant


1. Plants salak fit when grown in the area of ​​climate area Aa bcd, Babc and CBC. A high mean number of wet months (11-12 months / years), B: 8-10 months / year and C: 5-7 months / year.
2. Salak will grow well in areas with average rainfall per year 200-400 mm / month. Rainfall monthly average of more than 100 mm is considered in the wet months. Mean bark requires a degree of wetness or high humidity.
3. Salak plants do not tolerate full sun (100%), but just 50-70%, because it is necessary to plant shade.
4. The best temperature between 20-30 ° C. Salak require high humidity, but can not stand waterlogging.

1. Salak plants like rich soil, crumbly and moist.
2. The degree of soil acidity (pH) is suitable for the cultivation of salak is 4.5 to 7.5.
Salak garden can not stand waterlogging. For growth requires high humidity.
Altitude Place
Salak plants grown at altitude 100-500 m above sea level.

One factor to consider in seeking salak plants is the use of improved seed and quality. Salak plants is an annual plant, although given the technical culture of good treatment will not provide the desired results, so that the issued capital will not come back because of losses in farming. To avoid such problems, there should be a good way of salak seedlings. Seeding can be derived from the seeds of salak (generative) or from seedlings (vegetative). Generative breeding nurseries are using a good seed obtained from the parent tree that has good qualities, namely: quickly bear fruit, fruit throughout the year, a lot of fruits and uniform, good plant growth, resistance to pests and diseases and environmental influences less favorable.
Advantages generative seed multiplication:

1. can be done easily and inexpensively
2. obtained seed lots
3. The resulting plants grow healthier and live longer
4. to transport seeds and seed saving easier
5. The resulting plants have strong roots that fall down and drought resistant
6. possible improvements held properties in the form of crosses.
Disadvantages generative propagation:

1. Seeds come from the parent tree are eligible.
2. Fruit seeds should be taken in the quotation at the time of age.
3. Have the ability to grow at least 85%.
4. Large seed size is not uniform and defect.
5. Healthy seed is not attacked by pests and diseases.
6. Seed pure and not mixed with other impurities. Land Treatment

1. Preparation: Determination of acreage for salak plantation should take into account the ease of transportation and water resources.
2. Land Opening:
1. Dismantle the plant is not needed and turn off the weeds and remove the weeds and shrubs from planting areas.
2. Plowing to remove chunks of soil that is too large.

Planting techniques

1. Planting Hole Preparation: planting hole is made with size 30 x 30 x 30 cm with a spacing of 1 x 4 m, 2 x 2 m or 1.5 x 2.5 m. The size of the hole can also be made 50 x 50 x 40 cm, spaced 2 x 4 m or 3 x 4 m. Each hole is given manure that has become as much as 10 kg.
2. Planting Method: Seeds sown directly in the hole as much as 3-4 seeds per hole. A month later the seeds began to grow
3. Other: To avoid full sun, salak plants grown under shade plants such as coconut, durian, lamptoro and so on. If the land is still no shade plants, shade plants can be planted while the banana-like plant. Spacing is adjusted according to the size of the shade tree canopy area for example, coconut is planted with a distance of 10 x 10 m, durian 12 x 12 m and lamtoro 12 x 12 m.
Plant Maintenance When finished planting, salak plants need to be maintained properly and regularly in order to obtain a good kebin production and productive. Maintenance is carried out until the end of the production of salak plants.

1. Thinning and Stitching: To obtain a large-sized fruit, so when the cluster has begun meeting to be thinning. Thinning is usually done on a month to 4 or 5. Stitching done on young plants or newly planted, but dead or stunted growth or less good, or too many plants such as females. For the purpose of replanting crops we need a backup (usually needs to be provided 10%) of the total, the rest with other crops. Early rainy season is very appropriate to do embroidery. Plant reserves transferred by way round, which included some of the dirt that covered the area roots. When dismantling the plant, the base as well as our land with plastic wrap so that the roots on the inside is protected from damage, done with caution.
2. Weeding: Weeding is a dump and clearing grass or other weeds that grow in the garden barking. Weeds are prevalent in the call if not eradicated this weed will be a competitor for salak plants in getting nutrients and water. The first weeding is done when the plants were 2 months after seeds are planted, the next weeding done every 3 months until the plant is a year old. After that weeding be conducted every 6 months or 2 times a year, performed at the beginning and end of the rainy season.    3. Fertilization: All material provided on the plant with the aim of providing additional nutrients to improve crop growth and production of so-called fertilizer. There is provided through local fertilizer plant roots (root fertilizer). Fertilizers are given by way of spraying through the plant leaves (leaf fertilizer). There are two kinds of fertilizers: organic and inorganic fertilizers.
4. Irrigation and Watering: Rain water is a natural spray for plants, but difficult to manage rainwater to fit the needs of plants. Precipitation will largely be lost through evaporation, percolation and runoff. Fraction retained in the root zone, the remaining water is often not meet the needs of plants. In the cultivation of salak, during growth, the need for water must be adequate, for that we need to give water to the time, manner and amount as appropriate.
5. Other Maintenance: Once planted in the garden we make of bamboo or wood supports to keep the plants do not collapse.

HARVEST Fruits of good quality is obtained when the harvesting done at a good level of maturity. Fruits are not ripe, it will feel when the with not sweet. Then harvesting with quotation choose, this is where the difficulty lies. So we have to really know the fruits that are old but not yet ripe.

1. Characteristics and Harvest: The fruit bark can be harvested after the ripe on the tree, usually aged 6 months after anthesis (anthesis). It is characterized by scales that have been rare, red fruit skin color blackish or dark yellow, and the feathers have been lost. End of the fruit skin (the fruit that tapers) feels soft when pressed. Signs of old fruit, according to other sources are: the color is shiny (greasy), when plucked easily detached from the stem bark of fruit and flavorful.
2. How to Harvest harvest mode: because fruits are not cooked together, then carried the quotation chosen. To consider in picking whether these fruits will keep for months or eaten immediately. When will keep for months, picking done at the old fruits, so do not be too old. Masir fruits are perishable are stored.
3. Harvest Period: Plants barking in the harvest period there are four seasons:
1. Harvest in November, December and January
2. Harvest is in May, June and July
3. Small harvest in the months February, March and April.
4. Hiatus / break in the months August, September and October. If in these months there are fruits so-called fruit slandren. According to other sources of fruits are harvested between the months of October to January.
4. Production Forecast: In the cultivation of salak, the results can be achieved in one growing season is 15 tons per hectare.

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