Sunday, September 11, 2011

Banana Cultivation Guidelines

Bananas are one fruit that is very popular with large people in the world, therefore the cultivation of good guidelines greatly affect the quality of the fruit consumed. The following will explain the cultivation of bananas.


Bananas are propagated by vegetative means in the form of shoots.

1. Seed requirements 
High puppies used as seeds is 1 to 1.5 meters with a width cut tubers 15-20 centimeters. Saplings taken from trees that are producing well and healthy. High seed will have an effect on banana production (the number of combs in each cluster). Seedling there are two types: young puppies and adults. Tillers grown better used because it will have flowers and food supplies in the hump has been a lot. The use of spear-shaped seeds (leaves are shaped like a sword, narrow leaves) take precedence over the seeds with a large leaf.

2. preparation of Seeds   
Seeds can be purchased from the local / or provided elsewhere in the garden itself. Crops to be planted with seedlings rather tight spacing of about 2 x 2 meters. One parent trees have buds left between 7-9. To avoid a too large number of shoots puppies, do the cutting / thinning shoots.

3. Sanitation Before Planted Seeds 
To avoid the spread of pests / diseases, before seedlings were planted
treatment as follows:

  • After the cut, clean soil attached to the roots.
  • Save the seeds in a cool place 1-2 days before planting so that the wounds on the tubers to dry. Remove the leaves are wide.
  • Soak the neck stem tuber seed limited in insecticide 0.5-1% for 10 minutes. Then the dried seeds.
  • If no insecticide, seed tubers soaked in water for 48 hours.
  • If the existing planting area pest nematodes, tuber soak seeds in hot water a few minutes.


1. Land Opening
The selection of land should consider aspects of climate, economic infrastructure and the location of the market / banana processing industry, should also be considered in terms of social security.
To open the banana plantations, carried out the extermination of weeds, grass or shrubs, tilling the soil is still solid; terracing manufacture and manufacture of water discharge channel.

2. formation Terracing
Part of the sloping ground to terracing (made terraces). Terracing width depends on the degree of slope. Gastric terracing detained with grass or rocks if available. It is advisable to plant crops such as legumes lamtoro in terracing limits that serve as barriers to erosion, feeder of nutrients N and windbreaks.

3. Making Water Sewers
These channels must be made ​​on land with little slope and flat lands. Above ground and planted grass side channels to avoid erosion of the base channel itself.



1. Determination of Crop Patterns
Banana plant spacing wide enough so that in the first three months of the cropping pattern allows the use of intercropping / crop alley between banana plants. Crop intercropping / alley can be a vegetable or crop season. In most banana plantations in the region of high rainfall, bananas are planted together with the plantations of coffee, cocoa, coconut and arecanuts. In western India, to export bananas permanently planted with coconut.

2. Preparation of Planting Holes
Hole size is 50 x 50 x 50 inches on heavy soil and a 30 x 30 x 30 inches or 40 x 40 inches X40 for loose soils. Spacing of 3 x 3 meters to the ground medium and 3.3 x 3.3 meters for heavy soil.

3. Planting Method
Planting is done before the rainy season (September-October). Before planting holes is an organic fertilizer such as manure as much as 15-20 pounds. Organic fertilization affects the quality of fruit flavors.


1. Thinning 
To get good results, one family must consist of 3-4 stems. Cutting is done in such a way that children in one family there are puppies that each different age (growth phase). After 5 years clump demolished to be replaced with new plants. 

2. Weeding
Grass / weeds around the tree stem must be weeded in order growth of the child and parent are also good. Weeding done simultaneously with the tilling and soil stockpiling dapuran by roots and shoots in order to multiply. It should be noted that rooting of banana on average only 15 centimeters below the soil surface, so weeding should not be too deep.

3. Fertilization
Bananas are in need of large amounts of potassium. Fertilizers containing nitrogen element is given twice in one year is placed on the bolt is rounded clumps of plants. After the bolt closed with soil. Phosphate and potassium fertilization performed 6 months after planting (twice yearly). 

4. Irrigation and Watering 
Bananas will thrive and produce well for irrigation awake. Plants are watered by watering or filling trench water in between rows of banana plants. 

5. Giving Mulch
Soil around the clump of bananas were given in the form of leaf mulch is dry or wet. Mulching is useful for reducing soil water evaporation and suppress weeds, but mulching which continue to cause the roots to be shallow so that at the time of dry plants languish. Because of that mulch should not be placed continuously. 

6. Maintenance of Fruit
Banana that has been within 25 inches of comb should be cut so that the last pieces of fruit growth is not inhibited. After a perfect fluffy bunches of banana, banana bunches wrapped in clear plastic bags. Polyethylene plastic bags with a thickness of 0.5 millimeters a hole with a diameter of 1.25 centimeters. The distance of each hole 7.5 centimeters. The size of plastic bags is such that it covers the base of 15-45 centimeters above the top of the comb and 25 centimeters below the bottom end of the fruit of the comb. To keep the plants do not fall under the weight of munitions, supported with a bamboo plant stems are buried as deep as 30 centimeters into the ground.

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