Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The most important thing in the care of orchids (part2)

Pruning Pruning plants in general are intended to get the plant growth and development for the better as desired. Trimming is also one component of the maintenance aspects are pruned when the plants are diseased branches or twigs or dried and also branch - the branch that is not productive.
In the jasmine plant, cuts made to form a pot of jasmine or park purposes. J. sambac when trimmed the branches and the branches are carefully plant will be formed that has a matching canopy to the size of the pot and the container with the amount of interest a lot. Similarly, J. multiflorum plants can be formed into an umbrella-shaped upright and full of flowers on the surface of the canopy. Plants are a very beautiful and attractive when placed in the right position in a park.
Cultivation of jasmine J. sambac unproductive because of its old to do heavy pruning to about 1 / 4 - 1 / 3 its original height. With heavy pruning will grow new shoots are productive. In order for the emergence of new shoots faster, trimming the plants need to be followed by watering regularly and providing adequate fertilizer.
Plant J. sambac are still productive, it can be done trimming flower buds after harvest is complete. It is intended to stimulate the growth of new shoots faster so earlier flowering time. Jasmine pruning much research done in India. Manner and time associated with the effects of climate influence on the result of interest rate cuts. Pruning can improve outcomes and quality of flowers J. sambac cv. When trimming a lot associated with the use of plant growth regulators, so that the results of higher interest rates.

Stimulation of flowering
Varieties such as jasmine J. sambac Ait, J. multiflorum and J. grandiflorum flowering can be stimulated with growth regulators (ZPT). ZPT spraying time is usually associated with a time of pruning. In J. sambac Ait age 8, cycocel with a dose of 1000 ppm is sprayed at 15 days before and after the plants trimmed, can increase the yield rate 283.3% of control. Other ZPT B9 with a dose of 2000 ppm sprayed on J. sambac Ait 2 years may also increase the rate of 109% of control.
Cycocel also affect the outcome of interest J. multifforum 6 years. Cycocel dose of 500 ppm sprayed on crops can increase yield rate and the ratio C / N as well NAH at doses of 50-100 ppm. Both kinds of ZPT can extend the flowering period and days to flowering. The results of other studies showed that cycocel with a dose of 500 ppm sprayed on J. multiflorum at 45 days after pruning can increase the yield on average interest rate 182.8% of controls and 22 days faster flowering and flowering duration is 54 days longer to control.
Giving cycocel also affect the outcome of interest J. grandifforum. Cycocel with a dose of 5000 ppm is sprayed at 60 days after pruning and repeated 15 days later may yield the highest interest rate is 1.45 kg per plant. Spraying cycocel and B9 respectively with a dose of 1000 ppm and 5000 ppm in J. grandifforum 4 years are trimmed in December may also increase the interest rate respectively 23.9% and 29.2% of controls.
Growth regulators are substances which inhibit growth and stimulate flowering among others Paclobutrazol in meticulous in Bogor on J. age 1 year sambac planted in pots with soil media: chaff: manure = 1: 1: 1. The results showed that Paclobutrazol provided through the media after the plants were pruned to shorten the segment, reduce leaf area and increase the number of flower arrangements. Paclobutrazol at a dose of 200 ppm gave rise in the amount of interest the average total of 81, 4%

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