Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The most important thing in the care of orchids (part1)

Planting jasmine in cultivation is not generally needed in total as would grow vegetables, but simply made the planting hole with a length, width and depth of consecutive namely: (30-40) cm X (30-40) cm X 30 cm and weeds cleared . However the way for an experienced farmer, the farmer manages the land intensively. First created groove as deep as 30 cm and width (30-40) cm, then the grooves filled with compost from agricultural waste materials such as hay, manure and others, then covered the ground and made guludan as high as (20-30) cm with a view to enriching the organic matter in soil. Furthermore, approximately one month later on guludan seedlings planted by a predetermined distance. Before seeds are planted, soil and compost in the hole stirred plants first and then the seeds are planted.
Jasmine plant spacing varies greatly both within row spacing or distance between rows. It depends on the location (region) and the experience of farmers and other types of jasmine are planted. In principle, the spacing needs to refer to an attempt to avoid the occurrence of inter-crop canopy cover each other. This is influenced by the type morphology of the cultivar grown.
Spacing for J. sambac generally about (30-40) cm within rows and (100-120) cm between rows. India's used a spacing of 2 m X 2 m, but the observations showed that increasing plant population from 2,500 to 10,000 plants per hectare can increase the rate 169% (Nambisan and Khrisnan, 1980). Determination of spacing is also influenced by soil fertility. In the more fertile land use wider spacing than the infertile soil.

Jasmine plants require adequate nutrient supply and continuously in order to obtain results of high interest rates and sustainable harvest. Fertilization for balanced and evenly throughout the year are critical for productive crop was flowering. In Madurai (Agricultural College), fertilizer N - P205 - K2O at doses of 240 - 240-240 g / plant, in the third year can increase the yield rate 109.5% of controls. Kinds of fertilizer used is urea, super phosphate and K2S04 and given twice each half-dose and plus 10 kg of manure for each plant.
The results of other studies have shown that administration of nitrogen with a dose of 30 g / plant is given 2 times, each half the dose can improve the outcome of interest. Fertilization in J. sambac 2 years old with calcium ammonium nitrate 30 g / plant plus 4 kg of manure per plant superphosphate + 120 g + 60 9 K2S04/plant produce the highest rate. Also, results of research showed that the dose levels and intervals of N fertilization effect on the starting time of harvest rates and yields interest. Doses of N and P205, respectively 90 g and 120 g per plant yield the highest interest, but it's a slower pace at the first harvest of 8 days. P205 is a high dose of fertilizer, less inhibited when the first harvest. Doses of fertilizer also affects the outcome of interest J. grandifforum.
Dose of fertilizer N and P205 is best for J. grandifforum is 60 g and 120 g per plant indicating that fertilization interval and dose of fertilizer affect the rate of interest J grandiflorum. Dose of nitrogen 100 9 per plant per year is given three times, each 1 / 3 dose in December, April and August can improve outcome compared to controls 26.6% interest. In addition to fertilizer macro, micro Mg and Zn fertilizer sprayed on plant jasmine effect on the number of flower buds and the results

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