Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The most important thing in the care of orchids (part3)


Jasmine plants are relatively resistant to water shortage conditions. But to get the healthy growth and high flower production required the provision of water or watering regularly in sufficient amounts, especially in the dry season. The amount of water needed depends on crop type and age of the plant.

The results of the study the role of potassium fertilizer on water stress on J. sambac planted in pots showed that potassium affects only the dry weight of plants. The volume of water 75% of the water available to the highest flower production, the shortest period of interest-free, wet weight and the highest plant dry weight.

Giving water in planting jasmine regularly needs to be done, especially in the dry season. Provision of water or watering done in the morning and evening, until around plant roots moist enough. At planting jasmine rice made ​​in the area around the ditch which serves to hold water for watering plants jasmine.


Jasmine flowers for various commercial purposes such as for roncean and fragrance of tea, the buds are picked at full stadia. The criteria is if the flower buds full of white flower buds are uneven and when plucked in the morning, then afternoon open Sedah perfect.

Based on the information obtained production fluctuates depending on season and plant age is about 10-35 kg / ha / day. While the results of surveys of interest Pasarminggu J. sambac aged 1-2 years, yields the highest interest rates in July (24 g / tan), then decreased and increased again in October (19 g / tan).

Jasmine flower production patterns J. sambac can be set based on the desired flowering schedule. The trick is to combine the timing of pruning and fertilizing with a dose based on age of the plant and can also be coupled with the use ZPT.

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