Thursday, June 16, 2011

Soka Flower

Soka (Ixora sp.) Is an ornamental plant that is quite popular among hobbyists ornamental plants. In addition to unique, shape and type of any variety. In addition to diverse kinds, ornamental plants has multifunctional. That is not just for indoor plants but also can be used for outdoor plants, especially for border fence, as well as to fill the corners of the house. With multifunction and supported a relatively easy handling make it comparable to other ornamental plants such as roses, atherium, chrysanthemum and others. Even with regular treatment, these plants can last up to several years. Origin Soka Flower.

According to some sources, the soft-shelled plants derived from Tropical Asia region. In fact, there is mention allegedly originating from the country of Indonesia. Strong suspicion about the origins of these plants are more likely to the state of India and China, where the two countries have different kinds of plants Soka. Soka plant deployment throughout the country can not be separated from the role of Hindu priests who took him where he went. Keep in mind also that this has something to do with the belief of Hindus against the Soka flowers where flowers are a symbol of life rejoice the heart, so often used the offerings to the god Shiva and Vishnu offerings.
Flowers shelled initially only as a wild-type plants shrubs. With the appearance of the flowers that shine like fireworks and live in the forests wild, it is not surprising that the Europeans called him with the flame of the fire of wood or forest. Perhaps because of his interesting is inviting people to take him to the house and maintain it as an ornamental plant. With the development of knowledge, the current hybrid soft-shelled types have sprung up by presenting the colors of flowers, more diverse and lively.
Morphological Flowers.
Although the species is quite diverse, the general form of morphological plant, especially the flowers do not differ much that is composed of several small flowers, each of which has a four-petal crown in a stalk-like an open umbrella. Flower buds still shelled the needle so it would seem like a mound of red needles when not in bloom. 

The color of the petals are red, pink, purple, white and yellow. But in Indonesia the number of soft-shelled red color more than others. Unlike the form of flower, stem and leaf appearance rate can vary shelled. There are wide, some narrow, some are medium depends on its origin.
Soka Flower can grow to a height of 80cm. To maintain neatness in shape, especially for live fences, be diligent to do the trimming. Perform pruning just after the flowering period. 
Not only because it has a lush and vibrant flower colors. Soka Flower also captivating because of his usefulness. Its root is useful as an upset stomach and dysentery. With herbal plant as beautiful as this, no doubt making Park Family Medicine (TOGA). Ixora (Soka) Soka are shrubs with a height of 3-4 feet, the interest groups made up of little flowers. Shelled leaves will fall when the temperature is too cold.

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