Monday, July 18, 2011

Beautiful and useful Sunflower

Sunlight is very beneficial and important to the lives of all living beings, whether plants, animals, and humans. The depiction of the sun are usually rounded yellow with yellow flames around it.

Picture of the sun that makes the large size of the flowering plant with yellow color is often called the sunflower. So named because there are other reasons. Sunflower is always facing toward the sun where it rolled. At night, the flowers bowed down, while during the day, the flower show his face. This plant thrives in mountainous areas, areas that have a lot to get enough moisture and direct sunlight. The tree grows in lowland until height of 1500 meters above sea level.

Many people consider this a short-lived plants as ornamental plants only. You see, the shape and color of flowers is very interesting and beautiful eyes. The beauty sunflowers also can follow in my article before.

Trunked plants wet (herbaceus) grows up as high as 1 to 3 meters. The entire surface of the plant stem rough-skinned and have feathers. Heart-shaped green leaves. For flowers, large size with a crown shaped like a cup of yellow tape along the edge of the cup. In the middle of the cup there is a little flower-shaped tube with a brown color.

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