Saturday, July 30, 2011

Raising Bonsai Trunk

One way of raising bonsai trunk is by merging. In this way, the formation of bonsai to be much shorter and older stems are obtained impressive. In bonsai creation, enlargement is generally done by planting a bonsai material in a large pot and in, or to plant it directly in the ground.
After the trunk is large enough, the plant was moved in a permanent bonsai pots and trained to be bonsai. This method usually takes a long time. The results stem bonsai has a smooth surface with no curves, so that less ranging as an old tree.
The following will be explained in other ways that require less time and can yield curves a beautiful bonsai.
How to Merge
Initially selected several plants of similar height varies. The numbers, for example, five plants. The five plants that combined into one, then along the stem which is coupled tightly tied with raffia. Further, that section of wire wound around a copper or aluminum wire.
The shoots of plants lowest bent, as the first branch of the bonsai's trunk combined. Furthermore, higher plant shoots the next bend, a branch of the second, third and so on. The tallest plants are not bent and used as the head of the bonsai.

If you want the main stem is grooved, should set the direction and shape a bonsai trunk twisted. But the wire used must be larger in size and combined rod need not tied rope, and be done with caution.
Once combined and molded, composite sticks are planted in large pots and fertilized to taste. How to stem the merger is not easy to apply to all types of plants. But for other types of ficus, this is the ideal way and only take 1-2 years.

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