Saturday, June 4, 2011

Lotus garden

Lotus is a common name for the genus NYMPHAEA which is a water plant. Lotus plant characterized by leaves that float on the surface of still water. Lotus plants also produce flowers that have a stunning variety of colors.


There are more than 50 types (species) of lotus in the world to spread ranging from tropical to subtropical regions. It is said that tropical species comes from the Egyptian lotus.

Characteristics. Lotus plants grow on the surface of still water. Lotus plant has leaves that grow floating on water surface. Lotus flower is also found in surface water, the lotus flower and leaf out of the stalk from the rhizome which is in the mud at the bottom of the pond, river or swamp.

Lotus stalks are in the middle of the leaf. Leaves circular or oval shape of width of the cut on the fingers toward the stalk. Leaf surface does not contain a layer of wax so that water falling onto the surface of leaves do not form water droplets.

Benefits. Lotus plant widely used as an ornamental plant. But other than as an ornamental plant, lotus also has efficacy as traditional medicinal plants, among others, can treat diseases, diarrhea, dysentery, leucorrhoea, nasopharynx cancer, fever, insomnia, hypertension, vomiting blood, nosebleeds, coughing up blood, heart; Give -give, headache, defecate and urinate blood, anemia, premature ejaculation.

Lotus Not Seroja. Some people still confuse and assume the same between lily (genus NYMPHAEA) and lotus (Nelumbo genus). Even once considered closely related. In fact both are very different. Different from the lotus flower lotus. In Nelumbo, there are flowers above the water surface (not float), petal pink (white lotus until golden).
A touch of beauty to a garden. To be fertile and flowering water plants, make sure the media using the earnings in the form of mud is good and sufficient water.
Water plants were diverse arts. There is a lotus (NYMPHAEA) or a water lily. This broad-leaf plants and has a beautiful flower petals. Different kinds of aquatic plants that actually have a way of life is almost similar. They need a planting medium soil mix mud and water. Problem container planting, a variety of options: it could pots, jars, pool, or pond edge.
Steps Planting:

1. Pour the slurry into the crock. If the jar 30cm high, 10cm deep enough mud-20cm. Ensure good quality mud.
2. Manure and NPK Sprinkle evenly over the mud earlier. The thickness of 1cm-3cm manure, NPK fertilizer while quite a tablespoon or a handheld hand if a large crock. The mixture of manure and NPK help speed up soil fertility and plant growth.
3. Put the lotus on the surface of the mixture of mud and manure.
4. Pour the red soil around the plants and mud. The thickness of the red soil 1cm-2cm. The function of this land, as well as planting media, also prevent fine grains of mud contaminate pool water.
5. Fill water into the jar. Clean leaves and stalks are dirty due to the planting process by using a water rinse. Place the crock in the corner of the park enough sunlight. You can even immerse jars into a pond, giving the impression lotus grows in ponds.

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