Friday, June 24, 2011

Begonia flowers

His name is Begonia. At first glance, some of these plants somewhat oval shaped with a strong fiber. If you look at it, we are reminded by the figure of the tongue. But its leaves resemble fur rug smooth and thick Like the silk. So it is not uncommon, some fans call it plant tongue ornamental plants are made from fine-smooth as silk rugs. 

If the plant anthurium and aglaonema still high-priced, there's nothing wrong if you try to plant this one. The shape is cute, but still in character, both in color and in structure leaves a lot overgrown with fine hair. The leaves are somewhat oval, with a radius segment firm, and a distinctive color pattern, the basic color on top and some red.

Plant growth is usually spread, there is also growing vertically. Begonia leaves do not like excessive water and direct sunlight. They need warm conditions. Begonia group is only able to survive for 1-2 years. However, this plant is very easy and quickly reproduced.
Begonia is a wild plant that grows in wet forests or sometimes planted as an ornamental plant. Begonia can grow well in moist places, and in a slightly shaded, ranging from an altitude of 900 m to 2300 m above sea level. Begonia usually will bloom from June to September. Proper harvest time is September to November.
In terms of maintenance, these plants require only heat and water sufficient. But if you want your begonia plant growing up, there's no harm was given special treatment not unlike the caliber of anthurium plants that cost hundreds of millions of dollars, even billions of dollars.
In addition, plants also belong to this one plant that likes water, so the watering process recommended in Begonia plants can usually be done twice a day, morning and afternoon. After the irradiation process of watering and attention, to further enhance the plant, anthurium-style treatments are used, is by using some materials that could burnish the leaf.
Not only the shape of interest, it turns out Begonia plant also has properties that are good for health, thus making it increasingly popular crop. That said, some diseases can be overcome by making use of these ornamental plants.

Coping With Heat1. Processing is done by utilizing all parts of the objec Begonia plant fresh as much as 30 grams. 2. Once washed, boiled mixture with 200 ml of water to boil and drain the water by half. 3. Strain and when cool, you should drink as well. 4. Do it during the day as much as two to three times. 

Drug premenstrual pain 1. To overcome this advantage of the entire plant as much as 50 grams of fresh Begonia. 2. After being washed, boiled with 40 ml of water to boil for about 15 minutes. 3. The material was filtered and after cold 4. ingredients ready to be consumed twice a day, ie morning and afternoon. 5. Not recommended for use by women who are pregnant. 

Drug Injury1. For new injuries drugs used ± 15 grams of fresh leaf Begonia glabra. 2. After being washed, mash until blended 3. then processed in a way can be used directly affixed to the wound.

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