Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Gardenia Flower

Gardenia or Glass Plate (Augusta or Gardenia Gardenia angusta) is a clump of plant species from the tribe of Rubiaceae annual old, white flowers and very fragrant. Plants are also known as Gardenia jasminoides binomial name meaning "like jasmine," although nothing to do with clan Jasminum (Jasmine). 

Plate glass plant (Gardenia Augusta) is estimated to come from China or Japan, but has long been grown in Indonesia and has been planted in various places. For example, in addition to the home page, also in the yard office, recreational parks, or lane-side of the road as an ornamental plant. Sometimes it grows wild in the bush and the moor. These plants include family Rubiaceae and have some foreign name or the name of the region, among others: - Dutch: Kaapse Jasmijn - England: Cape Jasmine - Sanskrit: Gandharaj
Gardenia (Gardenia), many people kept as an ornamental plant or a green fence that has the scent of fragrant flowers. Gardenia plant shrubs including annual old and has many branches, twigs and leaves are dense. Gardenia grows easily disembarang places, both in cold and hot regions. However, this plant is more suitable in mountainous areas or sites of more than 400 meters above the sea surface. Trunk can reach a height of around 1-2 meters. The flowers are large, similar to the beautiful white roses with circular editorials and layers to form a unity that graceful. The leaves are oval, thick, smooth and shiny on the top surface of the palm leaf. Because the flower fragrance, gardenia has a commercial value to make perfume.

1. Diabetes Mellitus
Ingredients: 12 sheets of leaf gardenia. Method: boiled with 2 cups water to boil until to 1 cup.
How to use: drink one time and repeated on a regular basis every day.

2. Sprue
Ingredients: 7 gardenia leaves, 2 tablespoons honey and 1 piece of palm sugar;
Method: gardenia leaves crumpled and supplemented with 1 cup water and filtered. Then mixed with honey and palm sugar and stir until evenly distributed.
How to use: drink and be repeated every two days.
3. Fever
Ingredients: 7 gardenia leaves and 1 piece of rock candy; Method: gardenia leaves knead with 1 cup water
and filtered. Then mixed with rock sugar and stir until evenly distributed. How to use: drink

4. Difficult defecation
Ingredients: 3 seeds of gardenia fruit; Method: boiled with 2 cups water to boil until to 1 cup;
How to use: drink

Chemical Ingredients: gardenia (Gardenia Augusta and Gardenia jasminoides) from research experts have a compound known substances evaporate oil. Oil evaporates include an element of linaloldan styrolyl.
Jempiring plant breeding can be done by cuttings, grafting and bud grafting. Link tip is intended for a single tree has some kind of glass plates. Thus, the fragrance can grow more beautiful and aesthetic value.
Stages of plant shoots graft jempiring as follows:
- Choose a healthy branch, straight, and in diameter from 1 to 1.5 cm.
- Cut the branch, and split ends in the middle of the deep as 1.5 cm to form a gap.
- Cut along the 15 cm, and tajamkan both sides.
- Plug the shoots are on crack rootstock, until both sides touched his skin.
- Tie using plastic rope, then shoots entres closed clear plastic for 4-7 days
- Please observe: if the stem shoots appear green means there are signs of life, but when the bud dry out means failure.
- Plastic lid removed, after there were signs of growth.

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