Sunday, June 19, 2011

jasmine and growth conditions

Jasmine is a flower plant ornamental shrubs in the form of chronic trunked upright living. In Italy casablanca jasmine (Jasmine officinalle), called Spansish Jasmine planted in 1692 to be made in perfume. In 1665 in England cultivated white jasmine (J. sambac) are introduced by the Duke de Meici Casimo. 

Among 200 varieties of jasmine that have been identified by botanists only about 9 types of jasmine are commonly cultivated and there are 8 types of jasmine potential to be used as ornamental plants. Most types of jasmine grows wild in the forests because they have not revealed the potential economic and social development. Jasmine jasmine plants, including interest-melatian or family Oleaceae. Place jasmine plants in the systematics / taxonomy of plants is as follows: K ingdom: Plantae Division: Spermatophyta Sub Division: Angiospermae Class: Dicotyledonae Order: Oleales Family: Oleaceae Genus: Jasminum Species: Jasminum sambac (L.) W. Ait ..
Types, varieties and traits important (characteristics) jasmine plant are as follows: a) Water Jasmine sambac (jasmine white, nation puspa) b) Jasmine André multiflora (wild jasmine: jasmine gambier, poncosudo, StarJasmine, J,. pubescens Willd.) c) Jasmine officinale (jasmine casablanca, Spanish Jasmine)
d) rex Jasmine (Jasmine King Jasmine King). e) Jasmine parkeri Dunn (jasmine pot). f) mensyi Jasmine (Jasmine primulinum, jasmine pimrose). g) revolutum Sims Jasmine (jasmine Italy) h) simplicifolium Jasmine (jasmine Australia, J. volibile, star m.) i) Jasmine hybrid. Flowers pink and fragrant. 

GROWTH CONDITIONS Climate 1. Rainfall is 112 ± 119 mm / month with 6 ± 9 days of rain / month, and has climate with 2 ± 3 months of dry and wet 5 ± 6 months. 2. Air temperature 28-36 ° C daytime and nighttime air temperature 24-30 ° C, 3. Humidity (RH) are suitable for the cultivation of this crop 50-80%. 4. Besides the development of the cultivation of jasmine is best suited to receive training in areas receive sunlight.

Place an altitude of jasmine plants can grow and produce well in the lowlands to the highlands at an altitude of 10-1600 m above sea level. Nevertheless, each type of jasmine has its own adaptation to the environment grows. White jasmine (J. sambac) is ideal planted in the lowlands to an altitude of 600 m above sea level, while Jasmine Star Jasmine (J.multiflorum) can adapt well to an altitude of 1,600 m above sea level.

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