Friday, May 27, 2011

mandevilla sanderi

Vines are widely used to create the atmosphere of a beautiful house. There are vines will be more supportive of the concept of being able to grow lush and have brightly colored flowers. The impression that emerged in addition to shady kombinsai also able to give attractive color.   Mandevilla own trumpet flower is also called because the flower that appears much like a trumpet. This plant is believed to have originated from the territory of Florida, the United States with a combination of colors ranging from red, white, and pink. Petal shape is also quite diverse one of them was able to grow accumulate as Adenium dokson or roses. Plants are quite legendary in the world of landscape and the exterior has a character requires full sun to grow. This condition is certainly well suited to function as a shade plant. Moreover, if the location of houses in urban areas that have extremely hot temperatures.

On the mandevilla leaves have a pointed character with prominent leaf fibers. Here the leaves are growing not too dominating than the flowers blooming. Unlike other vines that dominate the leaves while flowers appear only in some parts of the course.

Plants included in the family Apocynaceae it does require full sun to grow. So when mandevilla cultivated plant facing east or west to get good sunlight. Another uniqueness of this plant is able to continue non-stop flowering in one year.
For the survival of this plant is also capable of growing well despite having aged between 3-4 years. Obviously this advantage away from other plant species that die after flowering. Even besides propagating mendevilla can also grow in dangling because it has a weak stem.
Beautiful To Fence
Although much work as a shade plant but not necessarily as a standard that mandevilla retaining sunlight. Some alternative placement locations can also be selected because the results are no less attractive to perfect exterior.

Beautify the fence is mostly done by planting mandevilla or it could be in rambatkan the main pillar porch. There rigid impression of the shape of the building will be lost with leaf green flower that blooms. Even for a fence can be as effective dust absorbing, especially for residential location next to the highway. In addition to the vines, the impression given stiff and formal than the fence will be lost. Because with the advent of interest will give the impression cool and comfortable.
Create your own creations can also be done by creating a buffer which is formed in accordance with the wishes. The materials used can vary from pieces of bamboo to the wire that is formed in such a way. Besides bamboo and wire several materials can also be used as a buffer for the propagation like the rigging of the course designed by menarik.Kreasi shape can be formed as desired buffer could even resemble an animal. "Buffer animal shaped like a bird then mendevilla that grows could also resemble the same shape," explained Badrun. This condition becomes one of excellence vines where the shape of the plant will adjust to the propagation media.

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