Thursday, June 16, 2011

Cultivation of Euphorbia

Euphorbia media likes dry, and porous (not binding on the water too long). Poor drainage, root rot will make. Based on the experience of a number of nursery, planting medium that will generate you healthy and diligent Euphorbia flowering is a mixture of coconut powder, husk fuel, ordinary chaff, coarse sand / poor sand and manure. Coconut powder that is used should be selected that are new. Old coconut powder, usually a lot of saving water. Can also use a mixture of coarse sand / poor, ordinary husks and manure. Important. Before, in use, the media should be sterilized first to be free from germs. The trick, coconut powder steamed for 1-2 hours. Moderate manure, should be ripe and sterile marked with black. This is to prevent the emergence of bacteria or fungi that can damage crops. 

Euphorbia like water. Though not like the wet, the water is high enough demand. But providing water over, could megakibatkan root rot. Root rot is brown, mushy mushy when held. Conversely, if watering is rarely done, of plants exposed to dehydration, lack of water. The sign, plants shriveled, the leaves turn yellow, fall off easily and the plants become stunted figure. If left unchecked, sooner or later, your plants will languish and die.
Watering is done when the media looks dry. But do not believe in the eye only. Use fingers to pry the medium as deep as 1-2 cm. Conversely, if dry, immediately do the watering. Watering time should be early morning, at -8.00-09.00 or afternoon, 15:00 to 16:00 o'clock  Do not flush at the time of day or so scorching sun.
Watering is considered sufficient, if the water was out of the hole under the pot. Use a sprayer or yells, so that the water that comes out is more subtle and does not damage the plants. Instead, the entire plant participated watered to keep dust or dirt sticking Yuang lost water-borne. 

Pruning aims to beautify the plant canopy, also to reduce evaporation during the vegetation.
Branches irregular pruning. The new shoots that appear on the 1-year-old plants are also trimmed so as not to inhibit the growth of the parent plant. (Shh ... Do not throw away old pieces, you know, because it can still be used as seeds, cuttings or connect either to the stem).

Old flowers should also be trimmed.
Euphorbia flowers can last for 2 months. Over time, the color faded, dull eventually wither. Should be cut so that new flowers appear.

As with other plant, Euphorbia milii also need to remove the flower nutrients. Nutrients obtained from the media using the earnings. But sometimes not enough, so it needs to be given an additional form of fertilizer.

Provision should be routine and appropriate fertilizer doses. If excessive plant could be disrupted, if it's too little, miserable condition of the plant. Newly planted crops should not be cultivated first. After that just given fertilizer NPK 20:20:20, a dose of 1 g / liter / per plant.

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