Sunday, June 5, 2011

Cattleya orchids

Cattleya orchids are often called the Queen of Orchid. It is reasonable, as his queen Cattleya cattleya orchid Red orchid. Where the flowers can reach a diameter of 15 cm. The beauty of the flowers are very charming, with a combination of colors that stand out. Cattleya orchids there are heat resistant and have lived in the area who survive the cold region. The living area has a cool flower size is larger than life cattleya a hot area.

Cattleya orchids like the dendrobium. Login simpodial trunked group. Where growth is limited stem ends. Forming clumps of shoots puppies. Cattleya has a pattern of horizontal growth, such as vines. Stem called rhizome growth. Cattleya orchid is an orchid that pseudobulbnya simpodial rod-shaped, with flower stalks appear at the end of the stem.

Various flowering cattleya have different abilities. This can be seen from the shape of its leaves. When the leaves are wide and short, indicating the diligent flowering cattleya orchids. And vice versa when the leaves are narrow and the length indicate the lazy flowering cattleya orchids.

In addition, to make the cattleya orchid flower looks good and diligent, there are a few things to note:

1. Intensity of the sun needs only 30-50%, the rest should be given shade plants, from paranet. Cattleya orchids will grow well, with a temperature range 15 ~ 35O C. And humidity 50-80%.
2. Watering was carried out 2 times a day. 07.00 am ~ 09:00 am and the afternoon at 15.00 ~ 17.00. When the clouds do not do watering, to keep the media is not too wet, due to the slow evaporation.
3. Cattleya orchid flowering so quickly, separate the clumps that are too tight. Give fertilizer flower fertilizer and stimulants, take turns once a week.
4. Repotting or replacement of the pot can be done 1 to 2 years. Aim to change the media to maintain the acidity of the media. Cattleya orchids require a level of acidity (PH) is normal, about 7.
5. To prevent pests and diseases, do peyemprotan insecticide, fungicide and bactericide on a regular basis once a week.
6. Fertilization with NPK fertilizer is dissolved into the water and splashed. And can be added to liquid foliar fertilizer. Fertilization interval is 2 weeks. 

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