Friday, May 20, 2011

cultivation of jasmine flower

Suitable growing environment for plant jasmine, hot tropical climate and prefer a light soil and well drained, rich organic matter with good moisture. However, too much jasmine planted in the soil varied types. For commercial cultivation of jasmine is required soil crumbs, porous, sandy and rich in organic matter has decomposed (Pizzetti and Coaker, 1968). 
Generally, seeds originating from branch cuttings are hard, and half-hard with a length of 5 or 6 segments. Jasmine seeds can also be obtained by perundukkan of basal branches. For the purposes of the planting of seedlings should be selected which already has a good root and leaf management. Good seed can be obtained by seeding the nursery in pots through plastic bags (polybags).


    1. Rainfall is 112-119 mm / month with rain 6-9 days / month, and has a dry climate with 2-3 months 
and 5-6 wet months.
    2. Daytime air temperature of 28-36 degrees C and night temperatures 24-30 degrees C,
    3. Air humidity (RH) is suitable for the cultivation of this crop 50-80%.
    4. In addition, development of cultivation of jasmine is best suited in an area that gets enough sunlight.

Growing Media

    1. Jasmine plant generally thrives on soil type Podsolic Red Yellow (FMD), and andosol latosol.
    2. Jasmine plants need sandy soil to clay texture, aeration and good drainage, fertile, friable, many containing organic materials and has.
    3. Good soil acidity for plant growth is pH = 5-7.
Altitude Venue
Jasmine plants can grow and produce well in the lowlands to the highlands at an altitude of 10-1600 m above sea level. However, each type of jasmine has its own adaptability to the environment grows. White jasmine (J. sambac) ideal planted in the lowlands to a height of 600 m asl, while Jasmine Star Jasmine (J.multiflorum) can adapt well to a height of 1600 m above sea level.
Planting Technique
    1. Determination of Planting Pattern: A month before planting, seedlings had adapted jasmine around the garden. Land garden ready for planting given the basal fertilizer consisting of 3 grams of TSP plus 2 grams of KCI per plant. When each have about 60,000 hectares of planting holes (spacing of 1.0 mx 1.5 m), basal fertilizer needs to consist of 180 kg TSP and 120 kg of KCI. Joint provision of basic fertilizer can be added "and pemantap pembenah ground" for example Agrovit, Stratos / humus acid Gro-Mate
    2. Hole Making planting: Seedlings in polybags watered jasmine growing medium and roots. Each planting hole jasmine planted a seed. Land near the base of the stem of seedlings jasmine solidified slowly to the roots in direct contact with the ground water.
    3. How Planting: Plant spacing can vary, depending on the culture form of cultivation, soil fertility and type of jasmine that is planted, plantation culture forms a spacing generally is 1 x 1.5 m, while the other variation is 40 x 40 cm, 40 x 25 cm and 100 x 40 cm.
Plant Maintenance
1. Spacing and stitching. : How to embroidery is to replace the dead plants / plant abnormal with new seedlings. Same stitching technique with good governance principle of planting, it's just done on location / block / seed planting holes that need to be replaced. Period stitching should be no more than one month after planting. Stitching as early as possible so as not to complicate aiming the next planting and maintenance of plant growth to be uniform. When stitching should be done in the morning / late afternoon, when sunlight is not too hot and the air temperature is not too hot.
2. Weeding: At the age of one month after planting, often overgrown with jasmine garden weeds (weeds). These weeds become a competitor in the jasmine plant needs sunlight, water and nutrients.
3. Fertilization: Fertilization jasmine plants were carried out every three months. The type and dosage of fertilizer used consisted of 300-700 kg urea, KCI STP 300-500 kg and 100-300 kg / ha / year. Provision of fertilizer can be done by distributed evenly in the trench between rows of plants / plant canopy around 10-15 cm deep, then covered with soil. Fertilization can also be a way to enter Portugal fertilizer into the hole around the plant canopy of jasmine. When fertilization is prior to pruning, flowering time, according to harvest when the growth rate and less vibrant. Provision of fertilizer can increase the production of jasmine, especially rich in the element type of fertilizer phosphorus (P), such as Gandasil B (6-20-30) / Hyponex blue (10-40-15) and time of foliar fertilizer spraying done in the morning (09:00 ) or afternoon (15:30 to 16:30 o'clock) or when the sun is not scorching sting.
4. Irrigation and Watering: In the initial phase of growth, jasmine plants need adequate water availability. Watering needs to continuously every day until the plants approximately 1 month old. Watering performed 1-2 times a day either during morning and evening. How irrigation is by flushing clean IAR each planting until the soil around the roots moist enough.
5. Left Spraying Pesticide: Substances stimulating / regulating substances Grows (ZPT) can be used to maintain and increase production rates, stimulating substances that influence interest both to the flowering jasmine is Cycocel (Chloromiguat) and Etherel. Jasmine plants in the spray with 5000 ppm concentration Cycocel yield the highest interest rate, ie 1.45 kg / plant. The way of administration: aphrodisiac flower is sprayed on the whole plant, especially the ends and flowering shoots. The recommended concentration of 3000 ppm-5000 ppm for Cycocel or 500-1500 ppm when used Ethrel.
6. Other: Plants generally grow jasmine creeper, except on some types of jasmine, such as varieties of the Grand Duke of Tuscany that type of growth is upright. High pruning is very dependent on the type of jasmine, white jasmine type (J.sambac) can be cut at a height of 75 cm from soil surface, whereas type Spnish Jasmine jasmine (J. officinale var. Grandiflorum) as high as 90 cm from soil surface.


Pruning plants are generally intended to get the plant growth and development for the better as desired. Trimming is also one component of the maintenance aspect, if the pruned plant is a branch or a sore or dry twigs and branches - branches that are not productive.

In jasmine plants, pruning done for the purpose of jasmine pots or garden. J. sambac if trimmed the branches and twigs of plants accurately be formed that has a matching canopy on the size of the pot and the container with the amount of interest a lot. Similarly, J. multiflorum plants can be formed into the upright and full of flower-shaped umbrella canopy surface. Plants become very beautiful and attractive when placed in the right position in a park.

Raising jasmine J. sambac unproductive because old age has to do heavy pruning until about 1 / 4 - 1 / 3 its original height. With such heavy pruning will grow new shoots that productive. For the emergence of new shoots quicker, pruning plants need to be followed by watering regularly and providing adequate fertilizer.

1 comment:

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