Sunday, August 7, 2011

Types of Ornamental Plants

Ornamental plants are plants used as decoration of both indoor or outdoor. Ornamental plants have a variety of types ranging from flowering plants to plant a unique shape. These plants form a very diverse and each plant has its own charm for proper collection. 
Not just fashion, ornamental plants are also familiar with the trend. At the ongoing trend of the price of ornamental plants can be very high and will fall when the next new trend or ongoing. No wonder many plant lovers are switching professions to sell his collection of plants for ornamental plant business is promising. 
Several species are popular ornamental plants in the community are:

  • Bonsai, Bonsai is an example of plants that was very popular a few years ago. Bonsai is a dwarfed plant and has a unique shape with some parts of the plants you'll enjoy. Image of bonsai is very elite and the plant is a favorite crop of artists and high society.
  • Ferns monkey, Here's the latest trend of ornamental plants from China. At first glance these plants such as coconut fibers, but the root is actually a fern plant allied circuitry. Fern called monkeys because of the plant is similar to a monkey sitting on the pot. This plant was imported from Palembang. Before the leaves grow, this plant has a stem that rises similar to monkeys.
  • Adenium, Adenium is a type of small-sized frangipani but moved at a variety of colors of interest that had become the trend of plant collectors. Treatment is not difficult and can be easily propagated through seeds which when grown will be tersbeut seed tubers are the main attraction of this plant other than the color. Adenium can be planted through the medium of sand mixed with fertilizer. When the plant lay it in place with enough sun so that the flowers can come out with more. Adenium flower color can be developed by means of cuttings.
  • Aglaonema, A kind of taro leaves with short and do not have a cambium. In the market, prices are calculated based Aglaonema. Aglaonema a high value is a plant that has a different leaf color.
  • Euphorbia, Euphorbia shaped like a spiny cactus and have leaves. These plants are not waterproof, so watering should be done rarely. Media cropping is sand and manure.
  • Flowers-flowers, In addition to various types of plants above, other types of ornamental plants that do not depend dnegan trend is the kind of flowers flowers. As we know, different types of flowers that are sold are always in demand regardless of the time. This type of flower types also have similar levels despite the price.

Several types of industrial plants flower also be sold through florists or flower shop to be distributed to the hospitality industry, offices or any other industry. Some types of flowers that become industrial plants are roses, gladiolus, chrysanthemums, tulips, and others. Plant flowers that have a higher price and has always been a desire of the lovers of flowers are orchids. Orchids months especially those with rare or unique color can have a price of up to millions of dollars.

 In the previous article has described many on various ornamental plants, please open a previous article, to obtain more information on ornamental plants and flowers.

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