Saturday, August 27, 2011

Growing Conditions and Cultivation gardenia

This plant is known for its fragrance. And in the oil fly, among other elements contained linalol and styrolyl. Elements that is capable of emitting scent. Then be, around the yard smelling fragrant. Because of the excess, then few people did not want to cultivate these plants, the following will explaind about growing conditions and how cultivations. 

Plate glass plants (Gardenia Augusta) are thought to originate from China or Japan, but has long been grown in Indonesia and has been planted in various places. For example, in addition to the home page, also in the yard office, recreational parks, or on the edge-side of the road as an ornamental plant. Sometimes it grows wild in the bush and the moor. 
These plants include familia Rubiaceae and have some foreign names are Kaaspe Jasmijn and Cape Jasmine.

Gardenia includes an upright shrubs, around 0.5 to 1.5 meters. Flowering bright white, single, short stalk, and smell fragrant. Petals small tubes, short, and ribbed. Trumpet flower resembles a crown, neck flower-haired, long flower petals 6-9 cm. 

This tree is a single leaf, leaves sit opposite or rocky three-three, as well as short-stemmed. Leaf blade elliptic-oval, oval or oblong elongated inverted. Leaf base tapering, pointed, upper surface dark green.These plants can thrive in places open and exposed to direct sunlight. Also suitable are planted in an area that is about 400-600 meters above sea level. If planted in a somewhat protected, although still alive and blooming, but the results are not as good in locations that are open. 

Propagation of the glass plate is typically done by stem cuttings and grafting. But, it is also possible propagation of plants is done by continued bud. 
Lately the ornamental plant lovers willing to spend money to import several types of glass plates from the Dutch hybrids. Anyone have a greater interest and more bright white. There is also a striking kewangiannya level, and so on. Continued this way shoots, intended for a single tree has several types of glass plates. Thus, the fragrance can grow more beautiful and aesthetic value. 
The procedure to connect the plant shoots the glass plates as follows:
  • Choose a healthy branch, straight, and a diameter of 1 to 1.5 cm.

  • Cut the branch, and split ends in the middle of the depth of 1.5 cm to form a gap.

  • Cut along 15 cm, and tajamkan both sides.

  • Plug the buds on the stem below the gap, until both sides of skin contact.

  • Tie the rope using plastic, then covered in clear plastic tops entres for 4-7 days

  • Please observe: if the stem shoots appear green means there are signs of life, but when the bud dries means fail.

  • Plastic lid off, after a mark-tanad entres grow.


Land home page is processed and given manure. Then, create a hole as deep as 30cm, with inter-hole spacing of 50 cm. Afterwards, the seedlings are ready can be planted. At this stage do not do the watering. Fertilization should be done, namely in the form of fertilizer sow as much as 1 teaspoon per plant. Do it every 2-3 months. If necessary, add a leaf fertilizer, with a predetermined concentration.

An annoying, a pest thrips. She sucks the liquid from the surface of the leaf, until the white patches. Spotting it will turn brown, then leaves die and fall. Follow-control can be sprayed with insecticide. This plant has the same characteristic with jasmine flowers, to know the traits that, please click on previous articles.

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