Sunday, August 28, 2011

Cultivation of ornamental leaves, maidenhair ferns

As the vegetation of ferns, maidenhair ferns do not produce flowers in the life cycle. Duplication of generative suplir performed with spores which lies on the edge of the underside of leaves of plants grown. Maidenhair ferns have a distinctly different appearance from other types of ferns. 

The leaves are not elongated, but tends to rounded. The clusters on the underside of leaves on the edges.  
Spores are protected by the sporangium which is protected by the indusium. Typical stalk, shiny black, sometimes scaly, smooth when mature. As with other ferns, the leaves grow from the rhizomes in a circular form into (Javanese mlungker) like stalk fiddle (called circinate vernation) and slowly opened. Fibers grow from their roots and rhizomes. 
Plants maidenhair ferns are very popular as an ornamental plant that beautiful leafy. Ornamental plant cultivation in Indonesia has long been done. If you want an entrepreneurial venture in the field of ornamental plant cultivation maidenhair ferns, there are some steps we need to know who the cultivation: 

1. Techniques Growing MediaAt this stage we are required to know how to create a good planting medium. This stage is very important to the success of efforts in the cultivation of plants maidenhair ferns. Sometimes this stage is often overlooked or not fully mastered. 

2. Mechanical MaintenanceAt this stage required to know how to maintain the plant maidenhair ferns to be ornamental plants that are healthy, fertile, and beautiful. These phases include: planting, watering, cultivating, protecting the environment and the replacement of the pot. 

3. Propagation Techniques
Both of these techniques need to be mastered and understood because it has a considerable influence on the survival of crop cultivation maidenhair ferns. 

These three stages are related to each other. All will not be successful when learning or mastering one of them, eg the technique of making the planting medium, or engineering maintenance, or propagation technique alone. Therefore all three stages must be mastered and studied thoroughly. Apart from the third stage there is another stage to note that eradicate pests and plant diseases maidenhair ferns.

Suplir ornamental plants ornamental plants is one leaf that creates realistic impression of cool on the surrounding environment. This charming characters that can make a person's mood changed, to find out more details about ornamental plants maidenhair ferns, are described in a previous article.

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