Saturday, September 3, 2011

Cultivation Of The Durian Fruits

GROWTH CONDITIONSDurian plants grow optimally at an altitude of 50-600 m above sea level, the light intensity of 40-50%, with a temperature of 22-30 0C, ideal rainfall 1500-2500 mm per year. Suitable land, fertile sandy loam and lots of organic matter content, and pH 6-7.

SEEDLINGSChoose plants that fertile seeds, fresh, healthy, leaves a lot, sturdy stems, free of pests & diseases, branching directions, and there are 2-4 new shoots

LAND PREPARATIONLand clearing should be in the dry season. Clean grass and other weeds and crops that interfere with sunlight. Sloping land should be made terraces. Create drainage channels.

PLANTING DISTANCEA common spacing of 8 x 12 m or 10 x 10 m

CROP PROTECTIONWide scale in the open is absolutely necessary cover crops, for example lamtoro, turi, Gamal, sengon or papaya. Cover crops planted after land preparation.

PLANTING HOLEMake the planting hole size of 50 cm2. Separate the upper soil with the bottom and leave for 2 weeks +. Upper soil mixed with 20 kg of ripe manure mixture is then put into the planting hole and allow one week before the seed is planted.

PLANTINGThe ideal planting at the beginning of the rainy season. Dig a planting hole that contains a mixture of growing media according to the size of the seeds. Take the seed and open the plastic wrap carefully ground. Planting seedlings without roots include limited neck stem. Sprinkle enough water after planting.

IrrigationIrrigation, since the beginning of growth until the plants start producing. At the time of flowering, reduced watering. Morning watering is best.

PruningPrune to the water shoots, branches or twigs that have died of disease and pests, as well as branches that are not exposed to sunlight. When the plant reaches a certain height of 4-5 m, shoots pruned plants.

PollinationNot all flowers can be a durian fruit because the flowers bloom in the afternoon until night so not a lot of insect pollinators. In addition, not all of durian flowers appear simultaneously, but pollination successful if pollen and the stigma must be cooked simultaneously. Therefore, artificial pollination needs to be done, how to brush the soft paintbrush to the flowers bloom at night. To maximize the quality and quantity, preferably in a planting area is not only one type of specific varieties, but mixed with other varieties.

FRUIT TREATMENTSelection of fruit after a diameter of 5 cm. Leave two best fruit, fruit ideal distance from one another about 30 cm. Plants durian fruit for the first time should be kept one or two grains of the fruit.

PEST CONTROL DISEASE1. Stem borers (Batocera sp., Xyleutes sp.)Attack by making a hole in the trunk, branches, or twigs. Symptoms of wilting plants, the leaves dry and fall off eventually die. Control; sanity garden, cut and destroy the stems, branches, or twigs that severely affected.
2. Pod Borer (Tirathaha sp., Dacus dorsalis)Symptoms of worm-eaten fruit becomes rotten and eventually fall out.3. White Lice (Pseudococus sp.)These pests attack by sucking the fluid and can be as disease-carrying sooty and aided the spread of the ants. Symptoms of leaf curl and miserable, so the flowers and fruits can fall out.4. Leaf caterpillar (Papilia sp., Setora sp., Lymatria sp.)Third worm attack by consuming the leaves so that the holes and damaged.5. Cancer Stem (Phytophthora palmivora)Symptoms of attack wounds mucus in red on the bottom of the bark near the ground. After the stem rot, the tops of the plants will dry, the leaves wither and fall off, and eventually die. Control by sanitation garden, widen the spacing, suppress weeds, and pruning, since the beginning before planting.6. Root Rot disease (fungus Fusarium sp.)If split, the part of the cortex would appear brown and the woody parts will appear in pink with brown spots.7. Leaf Spot Disease (Fungus Colletotrichum sp.)Symptoms of large dry patches on plant leaves which eventually perforated.8. Fungus diseases Upas (pink disease)The emergence of yellow liquid on the rod fell ill and covered with threads of colored shiny mushroom shaped like a spider on the stem, causing death. Cut off the infected, reduce the humidity.9.Penyakit White (Fungus Rigodoporus lignosus)The leaves yellow and then brown before eventually shrivel and fall. Remove all host plants from the garden area.10. Illness Fruit Rot (fungus Phytophthora sp.)Symptoms of wet patches of blackish brown on the skin of fruit, then decay and on the infected mycelium and sporangia formed white.
HARVESTINGHarvest time is different depending on the type of varieties. Type Monthong approximately 125-135 days after flower bloom, type chanee approximately 110-116 days after anthesis. Durian fruit has excellent levels of maturity of 4 months after the flowers bloom. Time quotes based on physical signs, such as the tip spines dark brown, the lines more clearly among the thorns, stems soft and easily bent fruit, fruit stalk segments enlarged, smells wonderful, and the echoing sound harsh if the fruit was beaten. How to harvest by picking fruit on a tree or cut with a knife or a pole with the knife. The part that is cut is the fruit stalk near the base of the stem and try the durian was not until the fall because of reduced quality of fruit

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