Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Send Flowers After The Date

Flowers have a special language of their own. It can express sentiments like "thank you", or "I'm sorry" or "I'm happy to be with you" or "I've a crush on you" and of course the timeless "I love you." But let's not go into that and talk about your first date instead. After all that has been said and done during your first date, you ask yourself if it would be proper to send flowers after the date.

Flowers after a Date

To send flowers after the date is not a very usual occurrence as flowers are usually given on the date itself. Well, that what makes giving flowers after a date more special. The element of surprise is there! The totally unexpected flowers would definitely be a nice touch to impress your date.

Why Send flowers after the Date

There are reasons why you should send flowers after the date. The first is, you did not bring flowers the first time and you just want to make up for that. It might be that you were quite wary or skeptical about the outcome of the date that you opted not to give your date flowers. The date turned out alright though and you just want to show some appreciation. Send your date a nice bouquet then. The second reason is, you were really smitten by your date and to show how wonderful you think she is, you want to give your date the most beautiful bunch you can buy.

The third reason is, the date went sour and you just want to say "how sorry you are and that you'd never see her again" or "how sorry you are but could you try again?" Whatever your reason is, the recipient would be highly appreciative of your thoughtful gesture.

What Flowers to Send

"Say it with flowers" - said the much-used idiom. Send her flowers after the date but don't overdo it. If you just want to say thank you for a wonderful time, you can send a nice bunch of daisies. The flowers are colorful and cheerful and would convey a message of thanks quite aptly. If your date turned a disaster, send your date some lilies or chrysanthemums to appease.

If after the first date you were totally awe-struck and love-struck by your date, please play it cool. Send her flowers but don't show over eagerness by giving her the priciest flowers available at your neighborhood florist! Don't! As in don't let your date think that you've fallen hard for her. Send her some pink carnations or peach-colored roses. The pink carnation says "I cannot forget you" while the peach-colored roses would say "I'd like to get to know you." That is granting your date knows what the flowers mean. Better if you send a card with a note that explicitly says what you feel.

There are those who say that the art of flower-giving has lost its meaning. Not so if you give flowers with real special feelings behind the act.

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