Thursday, July 7, 2011

Seedling sanseveria plants

Sekulen Sanseveria an annual plant. Thick fleshy leaves contain lots of water. More than 3000 species of succulent plants are scattered in various parts of the world. 

Generatively way quite easily, it can be done through the saplings, seedlings, or stem cuttings or leaves, nymphs that have been quite large, about 1-2 months old, separated from the parent plant.


Seeds may be reddish in color because it has not adapted to the environment. With adequate irrigation, a week after seeding, the seedlings will show normal growth / recovered from the environmental stress caused by separation from the parent. Excessive irrigation should be avoided because seeds perishable due to fungus attack in humid conditions. Seedlings are attacked by the fungus should be discarded so as not contagious and surrounding land disposed.
Seedling will emerge from the parent plant at the age of 5-6 months. Thinning seedlings is very important to do so plants can grow huge. Nursery of saplings can be done in polybag. In polybag Seeding can be done by creating a raised bed measuring 1-1.5 m X 10 m or according to need with a spacing of 10 cm x 10 cm. Seedbed should really crumbs that root growth of seedlings is not disturbed.
While the nursery in polybags, can be done with soil mixed media 1:1 or 1:2 manure and NPK added 5 grams per polybags every two weeks. After that polybags put on a fairly quiet but still exposed to sunlight. When the initial seeding is a stage where the water needs must noticed.

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