Friday, July 1, 2011

plants of shade

Petrea Volubilis.  
Originally from South America. Able to remain blossom despite growing in a shaded place. Want the temperature range 25-35 ° C. Properly used as shade plants and vines at the base of the pergola. Begerombol flowers in bunches. Each stem length 30-40 cm, contains hundreds of flowers.

Quisqualis indica.

Often also referred to as plant gulp. The flowers are unique. The color may change-uhah. Young flowers are white. As we get older, the color will change to pink, until it became dark red. Thrives in the highlands and lowlands. Requires a moist body.


These plants come from Mexico. Growing very fast. Wanted a place that affected planting in full sun. Growing media in the form of the desired mixture of soil, compost husks, and chaff burn. Perbandinganya 2: 1: 1. Desired temperature range is 21-32 ° C. Can be propagated through cuttings and generative seed.


Often also referred to as oleander vine. This plant sap, have clustered flowers dalom a stalk. Suhuudara the desired range between 16-31 ° C. This species is shade-tolerant and resistant exposed to the sun. Diligent flowering and can diperhanyak by stem cuttings or shoots cuttings. Properly used as a shade plant.


Originating from Central America. Sekerabat with eggplant, tomatoes, peppers don. Lush and blossom in the highlands and the air cool. Suitable for shade in porch. Liking berhumus media and damp. Propagated by cuttings and seeds.


Bunches of flowers can reach 80cm in length. Filled with hundreds of yellow bungs. The tendon grows every shoot. The more shoots, kion lot owned tendon.

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