Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Pest on Orchid Flowers

1. Ant Ants like to come in droves, while orchids are starting to sprout or removing flower buds. Ants will bite the young shoots and flower buds. So that the injured part. The liquid that comes out of the wound cells such as ant food. Thus, these orchid plants will dehydrate the cells. Also provide opportunities injury arising fungi and bacteria to enter. That will cause bud rot. The ants also damage the root system, with biting edges of the root. Habits of ants carrying a white lice, also damage crops. The best way to avoid attacks by hanging pot ants. Can also by flushing with a solution methadex. When ants are clustered in a pot can be done by soaking the pot in water. 

2. Lice shield These mites attack the leaves and suck the fluid cell. Lice are very resistant shield and is the main enemy angggrek hobbyists. Usually attached to the edge of the upper and lower leaf. The infected leaves will turn yellow, over time will brown and dead leaves. Pest control is done by spraying insecticides. 

3. Aphids (aphis) These mites will damage the flower buds. Besides, also young leaves. Aphids is a permanent nuisance orchids. But not a lot of damage. Aphids leave dirt on the stems and leaves. Ian on the dirt will be overgrown by the fungus, which menyebalian this pest dbkan black as soot. Control of these pests can be done by spraying insecticides. 

4. Mealybug Small fleas and reddish gray. There is the growing point, leaves and the roots hanging. Pat Usually these mites protect themselves with fine materials such as white cotton. Symbiosis her life with ants. Control can be done spraying with insecticides. 

5. Snail (snail) The most frequent damaging snail orchid plant is bare. Damage caused by attack slug is quite large. Young roots, new shoots, buds and flowers are the most delicious food for this snail. Orchids orchids months is the most frequently attacked by this slugs. Usually their attacks at night.  With in hiding places. Infestation will cause disruption on plant growth and flowering orchids. Even under severe conditions can cause death. Be aware of and control as early as possible. Orchid plant grown for its beauty is taken, both plant and flowers.

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