Wednesday, July 6, 2011

water needed for the growth of orchid flowers

Water is needed by plants, including orchids. As the carrier substance nutrients. Good water for orchids is sprinkle with pH 5.6 - 6. Watering orchids is the most important problems that are sometimes ignored. Many orchid fancier failure, due to watering the wrong problem. As a result of orchids is damaged, even the death of all.

1. Planting mediumWatering should be tailored to the growing media used. If using a planting medium that absorbs water and less evaporation, then do not water it too often. If the pot is too wet, it is easy to root decay occurred. Also easy moss pots, which can interfere with absorption of food from the roots. For plants grown / flowering, watering is a good 3-7 days once in the rainy season. And 1 -3 days in the dry season. Keep in mind that a lot of water, far more detrimental than the lack of watering.

2. TemperatureIn areas with high temperatures (lowland), will lead to high evaporation in plants. So the frequency of watering more often, to replace the evaporated water plants. If there is a shortage of water, crops will be shriveled and dead. It would be better, if watering is sometimes interspersed with fertilization.

3. HumidityFor areas with high air humidity, so there is no evaporation, plants do not need watering. The nature of orchid plants love humidity epiphyt. These plants can take water from existing moisture. Watering will actually cause the pot is too wet. If it lasts a long time will happen decay of roots and shoots. But if it is felt the humidity is less, then it is necessary to create a moist atmosphere. Watering can with the floor or about orchids, without drench the pot and existing plants. Humid atmosphere can be created by spraying the air with a sprayer.

4. AirflowWind causes evaporation. So if there is no wind, reduce watering, to avoid decomposition of roots and shoots. Adequate ventilation, causing evaporation regularly. Which help to transport food. Plants will grow well. In the rainy season the air flow is needed, for the evaporation of water are abundant. In the dry season, where the dry air flow, causing high evaporation. It needs watering more often. So there is a balance between evaporation of water absorption in plants.

5. This type of pot usedTypes of pots, including the size of the pot and the holes in the pot also affects the frequency of watering. Pots with lots of holes, a surface the size of a small or large, usually no longer hold water. So we need plus flusher frequency, when using a pot like this.

6. Plant sizeThe size of orchid plants will need water affect plants. Plant seedlings (seeds), not like a lot of water, but prefers moist air. Watering once every two weeks is enough. But it should create an atmosphere of high humidity continuously. Juvenile plants, too little water needs. Water is needed for the growth of roots and stems. These plants are sufficiently watered 2-3 days. For flowering plants need less water. Sufficiently watered 3-7 days. The principle of orchids are not happy about the abundant water continuously. But rather on the high humidity.

Water is needed for the growth of orchids. However, keep in mind the need for this water. Plants will be damaged and die if the excess water is given. Where will occur decay in roots and shoots. Most water will also cause the growth of bacteria and fungi. This can cause leaf spots, shoot and root rot and leaf buds fall out. So the orchids will be more drought resistant than too much water.

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