Saturday, July 2, 2011


Philodendron including many types, but the cardinal of the most popular black.
Many are predicting presence would shift the dominance of Philodendron and Anthurium Aglaonema. Broad-leafed philodendron included in the family Aracea. Philla beauty which in Greek means love not only in the leaves, flowers and stems are unique also amaze.
With a relatively cheap price compared to Aglaonema and Anthurium, Philodendron be an alternative for plant lovers who can not afford Aglaonema Anthurium and expensive.


Types being hunted that looks unique, rare aka variegata. The more unique and rare, meaning the more exclusive and more expensive. Sansevieria popularity soar since the beginning of this year. Sansevieria the middle section of the curve much talked about, both lovers of ornamental plants as well as merchants.
The most expensive type of Kirkii Silver Blue which exceeded 10 million per leaf.

Anthurium there are 1000 types, but are popular just a few. Among Anthurium Jenmanii, Wave of Love, Hookeri, Jenmanii mustard, Anthurium Variegata, etc.. The most expensive type of Jenmanii, can penetrate tens of millions, even hundreds of millions of dollars. At Oasis Nursery Anthurium most expensive ever sold for 70 million dollars. Of the nine most popular ornamental plants, only the future trend Anthurium longest, 2 years. Anthurium including the family Araceae. Plants that have unique advantages in its leaves, this beautiful and varied, still a family with several other ornamental plants are also popular, Aglonema, and Alokasia. With large leaves and bones to make this plant stand looks sturdy. 
Especially after the farmers had crossed this plant with other species, thus giving birth to a new variant with a leaf color and pattern variety. Plants that are familiarly called sri fortune consists of various species. Chocin, Miss Thailand, Red Silver, Param Ruay, and the Pink Panther is a species that price is still expensive. Species that are already cheap prices Pride of Sumatra, Lady Valentine, and Donna Carmen.
Nepenthes or familiar with name Kantong Semar including families monotypic. Plants formerly grows in this mountain been adorn luxurious housing. Function also double, besides as decoration also exterminator insect. Kian large pockets and color patterned, means increasingly expensive. Value nominal become reason poaching Kantong Semar in forests in Kalimantan now gathering popularity.

Stock Adenium now flooding the market was the middle of an ornamental plant. Try to compare it with 2 or 3 years ago, the price is still quite expensive. But now with the money of 10 thousand, we can already Adenium with nice color shades. With the money of 20 thousand, we have been able Adenium Harry Potter or the type of Peterpan. To get a yellow Adenium enough to pocket 50 thousand. Whereas a year or two years ago this type are still expensive. Even so, there are still many whose value Adenium millions, even tens of millions.  
Dark horse, that's a fitting phrase to describe Puring plant that is now a trend. How not? Croton who used to grow in the graveyard and of no value now to the next grade. Puring prices soar, even now stand next to other expensive ornamental plants. Do not be surprised plants that have other names of this Croton decorate the mansions. Croton are now so sought after hobbyist type metals, Oscar, Kura, Red Aple, etc.. Puring strength lies in the color and shape of the leaves are colorful. The more unique, more expensive.

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