Friday, July 8, 2011

maintenance and care of orchid Flowers

Basically the original habitat, there are only two places to grow orchids. First orchid plants that live attached to other plants and do not disturb plants attached. This type is called orchid Epiphyt. Which includes this type: Cattleya, Dendrobium, Cymbidium, Phalaenopsis, Vanda, Oncidium. Both of orchids that live on the ground. Usually live in the fertile soil berhumus. This type is called orchid or orchid soil terrestris. 

This post will explain how to grow orchids epiphyt, which has been done by wawaorchid far. There are two ways, namely planted in pots and placed on tree fern or the board. Actually it's very easy to grow orchids and simple, but required patience, diligence and focus. The most important point in planting orchid roots are not damaged, the plant does not shake and draenase smoothly. Proper planting and maintenance is supported by good maintenance and proper placement on the area certainly would provide a good plant growth and beautiful flowers. 

Many cases of forced cultivation of orchids in areas that are less fit, so that growth and interest generated is also not optimal. As a grower and orchid lovers, should be able to adjust to the habitat of what kind of orchid plants will be planted. Must know what is needed is orchids. Customize how the environment, water needs, as much as possible close to their natural habitat. 
Planting in pots.For this type of trunked monopodial orchids (Vanda, phalaenopsis) how to plant stems are placed in the middle of the pot. Because of this orchid will continue to grow straight upwards. While trunked sympodial orchids (Cattleya, dendrobium, cymbidium, Oncidium) how to plant the old stems placed against the edge of the pot. And the shoots placed at the center of the pot. 
The materials needed to plant in pot are:1. Pot (plastic pots or soil)Pot will be used should the new pot. Pots can be used but must be used with the treatment in advance. Pot former usually overgrown with moss, fungus possibly even bacteria. And maybe the pot has been sour. To that must be cleaned up completely clean. Selection of the pot is important. Pots to be used should also be adjusted to the amount and type of orchid plants will be planted. For example, for Vanda pot phalaenopsis is different. Vanda need a pot that is deep and hollow a lot, while the potted phalaenopsis require less in a hole draenase enough. For that use plastic pots at the bottom of the pot holes should be enlarged, and the added hole or the side of the pot so that draenase more smoothly.

2. Pole anchoring the plant stem.Better to be made from wire with a diameter of 2 ~ 4 mm. Besides a sturdy also durable. The function of this pole is to support the plant so as not to shake when watering or other treatment. So that root growth is not compromised. Poles can be removed when the plants are strongly attached to the pot.

3. Planting medium.To grow orchids dipot planting medium is required. There are several types of growing media for orchids. Like, cut fern, wood charcoal, coconut fiber pieces, broken bricks or tiles. This media is needed to bind water and plant roots attached.As for how the planting of the first pair of pole holder until it touches the bottom of the pot. Fill the pot with broken bricks or tiles to taste, can be up to 1 / 3 high pot. It functioned for ballast in a plastic pot and retaining water. Then insert the media charcoal or fern pieces 1 / 3 high pot. After that orchids placed on the media and the root is set to spread evenly. Do not forget to plant stems were tied to poles. The last one above the root of the media plus more to taste. Keep in mind, do not let the pseudo-bulb plant stems buried by the media (Cattleya, dendrobium). This is to avoid injuries that can cause rot and plant death. Stockpiled by the media are the roots only.

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